Tip 1-Dedication: Work comes first, and then socializing and relaxation.

What tips do the most successful acupuncturists give to ensure growth in an acupuncture practice?

Tip 1-Dedication: Work comes first, and then socializing and relaxation.

Tip 2-Office space: Your office space should be enjoyable to you and your clients.

Tip 3-Clear and strong vision: Write down daily and monthly goals as a way to keep you on track.

Tip 4-Take risks: The key is to learn from your mistakes.

Tip 5-Marketing: No matter how full your practice is, marketing should remain a constant focus.’

Tip 6-Dream Team: Successful acupuncturist surround themselves with smart people.

And remember, American Acupuncture Council Network is the expert with over 3 decades of experience in dealing with a wide range of acupuncture billing issues.


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