There are different scenarios where it may be appropriate to waive a patient’s insurance responsibility, including for patients who are suffering a financial crisis or emergency.

Is your acupuncture office waiving patient copayments and/or deductibles?

Waiving a patient’s insurance responsibility is considered a violation of the contract between your acupuncture office and private insurance company plans.

There are different scenarios where it may be appropriate to waive a patient’s insurance responsibility, including for patients who are suffering a financial crisis or emergency.

If your acupuncture office has a good reason for waiving a patient’s copay, coinsurance, or deductible, records of all conversations with the patient must be kept.

For evidence, always keep track of all payments and make note of any payment waived to show the patient’s insurance responsibility is not routinely waived.

And remember, American Acupuncture Council Network (AACN) is the expert with over 3 decades of experience in dealing with a wide range of acupuncture billing issues.


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