If you are providing Telemedicine services (live synchronous audio and video) with your patients there is an update for the place of service (POS)  in 2022.

There is now an additional POS to further delineate the patient’s location whether their home or other location.

The POS Workgroup is revising the description of POS code 02 and creating a new
POS code 10 to meet the overall industry needs, as follows:

1. POS 02: Telehealth Provided Other than in Patient’s Home
Descriptor: The location where health services and health-related services are provided or received, through telecommunication technology. The patient is not located in their home when receiving health services or health-related services through telecommunication technology.

2. POS 10: Telehealth Provided in Patient’s Home
Descriptor: The location where health services and health-related services are provided or received through telecommunication technology. The patient is located in their home (which is a location other than a hospital or other facility where the patient receives care in a private residence) when receiving health services or health-related services through telecommunication technology.

Medicare is stating they are not adopting as they see no need for the new modifier distinction so Medicare continues to use 02 however United Health Care is indicating they will utilize either.

Note most often telemedicine is coded with an E&M code though some plans will accept active care services such as exercise 97110, NMR, 97112, and therapeutic activity 97530.

Members of our Network services are welcome to reach to us for more details. Also, our 2022 seminars will also update you as well to this and many other changes.


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