Using relative value can help establish a fair and reasonable fee for all your services.

Did relative value units(RVU)increase for 2023?

This year RVU increased 1-2% in the common codes used by licensed acupuncture providers.

RVU is the best tool for understanding the value of one service compared to another.

Using relative value can help establish a fair and reasonable fee for all your services.

If you know the fee of one code, you can establish the fee for any other code based on the primary service fee and set a ratio based on the relative value.

All businesses, including acupuncture practices, should do a fiscal review of fees every year.

When there are increased expenses for the business, there will be increases in charges.

And remember, American Acupuncture Council Network the expert with over 3 decades of experience in dealing with a wide range of acupuncture billing issues.


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